In making a Pinned Plank smaller wooden components are solidly screw locked together to form a scaffold plank. The result of locking components together creates a finished product that has superior strength and improved shock resistance.
Both PIN-LOK and PIN-LAM planks are superior to any other wooden scaffold plank in safety and durability.
PIN-LOK is developed using scaffold grade woods of Select Structural (SS), Dense Select Structural (DSS), Machine Stress Rated (MSR 2400 to 2800) or Dense Industrial (DI65) materials.
All these scaffolding woods are re-inspected using only materials that pass Indian Mill certification process to develop PIN-LOK scaffold Plank.
PIN-LAM uses Laminate wood orientated vertically for a center component, surrounded on both sides with solid scaffold woods, and all components solidly pin locked together. The vertical LVL sandwiched between solid woods forms a traction strip down the full length of the plank.
The pin spacing down the full length of the plank is approximately every 2 feet but always 3 inches away from an even foot mark. Planks can safely be cut back without sawing into a pin.
The physics of pinning woods together is that the whole piece is being supported by every other piece in its place (load sharing). The locking pin is a spiral steel screw that forces its flanges deep into the undersize hole. This causes a positive locking of all pieces every 2 feet to continually lock the boards together the full length of the plank. Essentially each scaffold plank is comprised of multiple 2 foot plank sections. Coupled with the continual locking down the length of plank, the mixing of the wood grains in each component, and using scaffold grade lumber we have developed the toughest and strongest wooden planks in the industry.
See the video for destructive testing to see the strength levels of Pinned products.
The weight to strength ratio of both PIN-LOK and PIN-LAM is multiplied greatly when components are locked together to build the pinned plank (COV, MOE, FB FV). The shock follows the directions of the wood grains as in a butcher block; the multiple pieces of wood have the grains going in many directions. The strength of the block is greatly increased because the shock created by the falling weight is dispersed in multiple directions. This process explains why the results of Purdue University’s shock test on Pinned Plank were so remarkable. We saw an increase in absorbing shock loads of up to 100% over other types of scaffold plank. The Pinned Plank repetitively held a 21 inch drop of 300 pounds without damage to the plank. Finally dropping the load 24 inches the Pinned Plank developed a minor crack but continued to hold 2000 pounds of pressure. No solid sawn plank or laminated plank could come close to the shock strength of PIN-LAM & PIN-LOK. The importance of a greater shock load is for abnormal conditions when material slips, a heavy load is set on scaffolding, or when a load or worker falls onto a plank. There have been accidents where the Pinned Plank has saved lives because of the reserve shock strength when a worker fell from above.
See the Shock Test Video for Pinned Products
When loads are extreme or planks are damaged the center board will normally be the sacrificial piece to give a warning shot to exit the plank to safety. The center wooden component is physically smaller so it is the sacrificial unit that will break first giving an audible warning, but normally without the panic of a plank failure. Petro-Chemical plants have called explaining the center boards are breaking but no one has had an accident. No workers have fallen because the damaged planks still hold more weight than OSHA requires, with no injuries. PIN-LOK and PIN-LAM are the only planks to have a built in warning safety device to let you know about a future problem. We know that anything can be destroyed but Pinned plank is a large step toward Scaffolding Safety.
The Pinned planks are screw locked together every 2 foot.
Because of being locked every 2 ft a 16 ft plank functions as 8 sets of 2 foot planks all locked together. A crack cannot travel past a locking pin. Each pin lock acts as a start of a new plank. The area of possible failure is only 2 foot long.
In each 2 foot section any possibility of a weak spot in one component of wood the load is picked up by the strength of the other pieces (in the process called LOAD SHARING) This explains Purdue University’s results of when the center board (8ft) broke but the plank still held one ton (2,000 lbs) of weight without a total plank failure. A plank can be damaged with extreme overloading by breaking one member of the plank but the worker can still safely exit the scaffold without injury.
The destructive plank test video shows this exact scenario.
The design of Pinned plank allows water to not be held and escape out of the plank quickly.
The extra physics of the laminated material standing vertically dries PIN-LAM much more quickly. Laminate in wide pieces lying horizontally will soak water and hold water indefinitely, but retained moisture in laminate standing vertically is dramatically reduced.
The fact of less water retention and drying much quicker helps to extend the work life of pinned products with far less rot, equating to money saved.
Covering plank with Rhino coating extends plank life tremendously.
Pinned Plank can be developed from smaller trees that can be farmed or from plantations with fast growing trees thus leaving the older growth trees to be enjoyed by future generations.
The PIN-LAM version of the product uses even less large woods and can use laminated wood as the center piece.
The MSDS sheets show Pinned Scaffold Plank as having minimal effect on the environment.
Time and motion studies conclude that work on a scaffold takes up to 50% longer than when work is done on the ground. Productivity decreases even further when scaffold planks are unsure or bouncy causing the worker to feel uncertain about his next step. Pinned planks all feel the same when walking across the work platform. Being stronger and with less deflection Pinned plank provides a stable and consistent work platform giving the worker the confidence of safety.
The design properties of scaffold plank
Test performed by Ralph Bennett at Purdue University
E | FB | FV | COV | |
DI 65 | 1.8 x 10\6 | 2200 psi | 100 psi | varies |
PIN-LOK | 2.0 x 10\6 | 2900 psi | 120 psi | <10% |
PIN-LAM | 2.2 X 10\6 | 3000 psi | 140 psi | <10% |
All wood scaffold products are affected by water, dirt, mud, chemicals, and improper storage, but the Rhino Skin Non-Skid Sealant can absolutely seal all surfaces of Pinned Plank to provide a gripping surface for years of use. During the manufacturing of Pinned Plank raw material surfaces can be coated with Rhino Skin before the pieces are assembled. After assembly the complete plank can be run through for a complete external coating.
All scaffold plank is Heat Treated and Fire Treating is available worldwide shipping
Locking components together with Locking Pins and Rhino Skin Sealant has virtually eliminated plank problems of: